Weed integrated management models

The Weed Integrated Management (WIM) models are user-friendly decision support tools

The tools allow farmers and advisors to evaluate the long-term profitability of strategic and tactical weed control methods in broadacre crops at the paddock scale.

Ryegrass model RIM and its cousins, BRIM (brome grass), BYGUM (barnyard grass), BGRIM (barley grass) and AIM (wild oat), allow farmers to test their ideas and generate scenarios for 5 or 10 years in the future.

These tools are available to download for free to test a variety of scenarios.

Various situations impact farming systems, including crop and herbicide rotations, mechanical and other chemical weed control tools. WIM tools can help pin point which rotation and weed control tools would work best in a given farming system.

Lisa Mayer and Jessica Scholle

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DK‐RIM: Assisting Integrated Management of Lolium multiflorum, Italian Ryegrass

RIM 1. Customise Your Paddock

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