Avena (Wild oat) Integrated Weed Management Model

The Avena Integrated Management model is a tool used for simulating scenarios relating to the weed management and control of Wild Oat (Avena).

Users can make changes to the active scenario, and see the biological and economic estimated outcomes, displayed in numerical and graphical outcomes.

The AIM model utilises assumptions built into the AHRI Ryegrass Integrated Weed Management (RIM) model, which was developed by David Pannell, UWA and Vanessa Stewart, WA DPIRD and updated in 2013 by Myrtille Lacoste under the supervision of Stephen Powles, AHRI former director. The AIM model was developed by David Thornby (Innokas Intellectual Services) with support from Dr Michael Walsh and Caleb Squires from the University of Sydney. This project is a GRDC investment.

Avena (Wild oat) Integrated Weed Management Model
Avena (Wild oat) Integrated Weed Management Model
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