March 8, 2023
About the lecture
Broadacre cropping relies heavily on herbicides for weed control because they are highly effective and can be applied rapidly over large areas.
However, there are increasing challenges, such as herbicide resistance, and a need to use agrochemicals more effectively to reduce their use.
In this seminar, Professor Steve Shirtliffe discussed these challenges from a Canadian perspective.
About Professor Steve Shirtliffe
Steve Shirtliffe is a Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan.
Prof. Shirtliffe’s primary area of research is in field crop agronomy, about which he has been conducting field-based research for over 20 years, gaining extensive experience in small plot crop agronomy. His position involves teaching, research and outreach in the areas of agronomy and weed control.
Prof. Shirtliffe’s past and current research projects have focused on the ecology and control of volunteer canola, cereal and pulse and oilseed agronomy, non-herbicidal weed control and agronomic applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones.
Posted in: Agronomy and weed control, AHRI News