
Multiple herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum now dominates across the Western Australian (WA) grain belt

Lolium rigidum (annual or rigid ryegrass) is a widespread annual weed in cropping systems of southern Australia, and herbicide resistance in L. rigidum is a common problem in this region. In 2010, a random survey was conducted across the grain belt of Western Australia to determine the frequency of herbicide-resistant L. rigidum populations and to compare this with the results of previous surveys in 1998 and 2003.

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Towards large-scale prediction of lolium rigidum I. Can climate be used to predict dormancy parameters?

Lolium rigidum (annual or rigid ryegrass) is a widespread annual weed in cropping systems of southern Australia. Seeds exhibit dormancy at dispersal and require a period of dry after-ripening to release dormancy, before germination and emergence can occur.

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Towards large-scale prediction of Lolium rigidum emeregence II. correlation between dormancy and herbicide resistance levels suggest an impact of cropping systems

This study investigated a possible link between seed dormancy and herbicide resistance status of Lolium rigidum (annual or rigid ryegrass). Mature seeds were collected from 406 populations across the 14-million hectare grain belt of southern Western Australia.

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Herbicide Resistant Weed Seeds Contaminate Grain Sown in the Western Australian Wheat belt

Preventing the introduction of weeds into the farming system through sowing of clean seeds is an essential component of weed management. The weed seed contamination of cleaned grain and herbicide resistance levels of the recovered weed seeds were examined in a study conducted across 74 farms in the Western Australian grainbelt.

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